Thursday, April 3, 2008


Have you ever felt like you were in the presence of greatness? I know that I have been around someone in the past that I thought was really awesome for one reason or other, such as for their musical talent or their athletic ability. But this week I had the privilege of spending time with one of the greatest people I think I may ever have met. And she came in the form of a tiny, fourth grade girl who can't walk. Well, at least not on her own. She has to use a walker. And she is AMAZING. "How are you today Mrs. Gorsuch?" she asked me, as she does each time she sees me. "What a beautiful table cloth!" she exclaimed at the sight of the floral, plastic table cloth covering the table in the school counseling room. I listened as she created a menu out loud, something she likes to do in her spare time. "We'll start out with a tossed salad. And then, how about lobster, on a bed of pasta, covered in an herb-butter sauce." How can you not smile at the sight of a tiny little girl dreaming up a gourmet meal, the type of meal that she has probably never gotten to experience? And then, the best part of all came. She offered to sing for me. "Can you close the door Mrs. Gorsuch? Now which song would you like me to sing?" I knew that singing was a special thing that she does, and it's a way that she works through the death of her father. My heart soared at the thought that I was actually lucky enough to have met and spent time with this special girl, and best of all, that she would sing for me. 

This week was a good week. I truly feel that the image of God is so evident in this little girl's life, and somehow, by spending time with her, it was almost like spending time with an embodied piece of God Himself. What a privilege!

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