Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Somehow I knew that this would happen... I would excitedly start a blog and then after about two weeks I would get over its newness and henceforth neglect it. Oh well, it's not too late for a fresh start I guess :). Speaking of which, Wes and I are about to begin a new chapter in our lives.
Sometime in the next 30-60 days we will be leaving Marion and moving back to our homeland :). We spent several months praying about this decision, and we felt peace to move forward. Now, we are amazed at how God is opening doors like crazy! I got hired at my old middle school (crazy!) as a school counselor. I am so excited about this job by the way- the cool part is that I didn't get the exact position that I had originally interviewed for, but this one is ever better! We already have a place secured to live that will be really cheap and help us pay off our school loans asap, Wes has an interview next week, and we just got word today that it looks like we'll be having an offer coming in for our house in the next few days (this seems almost miraculous in today's market, especially in Marion... our house has been for sale for 8 days!). Oh, and we visited a church that we felt really at home in and are excited about attending after the move. Whoa!!! We are so amazed at the blessings of all this right now- we feel like God is blowing us away, providing for us beyond expectation!

I guess we all go through seasons of blessing at times, along with the not-so-fun seasons of trials or droughts, but for now we are glad to be experiencing God's blessings. I know that loving Him is not all about what He does for us, but I think He deserves the recognition as Provider in circumstances like this. I think I speak for Wes and I both when I say that our cup is overflowing!


Viktor and Kristen said...

Well, I love the blog...even if you only update it once a month! :) Love you guys!

The Bontragers said...

Hi Wes & Chelsea,

It was so fun finding your blog (you know how you click and click and click and suprise! :) It was nice catching up on your posts, and I hope all is going well for you!

Sondra (Stahl) Bontrager